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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Odda, Norway - 11/29/17

COA: canting of an arrowhead (Norwegean: pillod)

Still in Hordaland (Norway), our next stop is Odda, a relatively small city with over 7.025 inhabitants.
As we saw in the last stop, Odda is located in a valley, which is on an arm of Hardangerfjord, itself called Sorfjorden. Odda is known for it's amazing views and hiking spots, having two of the most stunning Norwegean places; Trolltunga (Troll's tongue) and Hardanger.
The area is the 42nd largest in Norway, and the 146th largest by population (Bergen was the second).

What is a normally ~4 hour car ride was for us more than a week of activities, including: walking, running, hiking and sometimes swimming. Having fun and challenging ourselves along the way.
After this rewarding process, we were delighted with the view of the city -
There is was, covered in snow - Odda

It might have been obvious, but what surprised us the most geographically-wise, was the large amount of waterfalls and lakes, due to the location of the settlements, in valleys.

Lined within a radius of only a few kilometres, the waterfalls are: Tjørnadalsfossen, Strandfossen, Vidfoss, Espelandsfossen and Låtefoss(biggest)

We will mostly just hang out here and visit all the sites we gladly have the chance to see, including Trolltunga and Hardanger, included on the top 10 places in Norway.

Tysso I plant. Part of Smelterverk

Due to the intense migrations to work with smelters and energy generation for the country, a new dialect was born here. There are many dialects in Norway, even between very close communities the dialect can be so varied that it's not mutually inteligible.

Take your time and have a look at what we've been waiting to see here for so long!


We saw a lot and were amazed with all the beautiful sights we could get in this unique place, our journey was worth every step. Being here makes us remember how big and diverse our planet is, and brings back that curiosity we had as a child, though we shall not give in to our curiosity too much and be cautious and responsible in these hazardous locations. 24 year old student trips and falls to death at Trolltunga. (Look at what not to do)

Next stop: Haugesund, 81.8 miles away

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